Blurry Photos

 We have all taken blurry photos at some time. I am no exception. Let's discuss the causes of blurry photos. 

What I was aiming for:

I got this one sharp

This one was blur for one reason:

The next one was blur for another reason:

Let's discuss this in the Flip Group Below:


  1. As I reflect on the reasons why some of my pictures turn out blurry, I realize that factors such as camera movement during the shot, incorrect focus, and high ISO levels have played a significant role. Understanding the impact of environmental conditions, lens quality, camera settings, and my own technique has given me a clearer perspective on how to improve the clarity of my images. Moving forward, I will pay closer attention to these aspects, ensuring that I adjust my settings, manage environmental factors, and refine my technique to capture sharper, more visually engaging photographs.


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