The Journey Begins

 My first post is a photo I shot some years back in a nature themed resort in Ipoh. This photograph reminds me of a song by Kiroro titled Mirai E (未来へ). 

The lyrics of this song is a very good description of this photograph. 

"Look at your feet,

 This is the road you walk. 

Look ahead of you, 

That is your future."

In Japanese:

ほら 足元を見てごらん


ほら 前を見てごらん


Hopefully there will be others that will follow me on my journey as we look towards the future.


  1. An'nei naru aisatsu. I truly admire how you connect your picture with the lyric. If it's not too much trouble, could you share some tips on capturing a sharp foreground object with a blurred background? ~oji-san~


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